IgProf output resembles that of gprof so its output conventions documentation may be helpful to read first.
The following explanation assumes memory leak checking. If you are measuring something else, adjust the explanation correspondingly for CPU time or memory allocated. The output format is the same, just the meaning of the numbers is different.
The result file is made of sections like this :
53553180 50642044 5/5 PersistentJetFinder::reconstruct() (/afs/cern.ch/cms/Releases/ORCA/prerelease2/ORCA_8_0_1_pre1/lib/.
[0] 50642044 50226044 5 JetFinderEcalPlusHcalTowerInput::prepareInput(RecEvent const*) (/afs/cern.ch/cms/Releases/ORCA/prerele
5863168 0 5/62 BaseRecItr::BaseRecItr[not-in-charge](RecoQuery const&) (writeDST) [952]
229962815 0 5/49 LazyObserver<RecEvent const*, int>::check() const (writeDST) [732]
36864 0 5/14 std::vector<VJetableObject*, std::allocator<VJetableObject*> >::_M_insert_aux(__gnu_cxx::__normal_it
0 0 5/5 JetableObject<EcalPlusHcalTower>::JetableObject[in-charge](EcalPlusHcalTower const&) (/afs/cern.ch/c
62299760 416000 5/547 RecQuery::operator RecConfig const&() const (/afs/cern.ch/cms/Releases/COBRA/prerelease/COBRA_7_7_1_
Each section describes the statistics for one function, the primary function,
surrounded by secondary functions. Above the primary function are the callers:
the functions that called the primary function. Below the primary function are
the callees: the functions the primary function called. The line that begins
with a bracketed number, here [0]
, indicates the primary function; the number
in the brackets indicates the function’s index in the statistics. The smaller
the index is, the higher the function was in cpu time usage, memory usage or
leakage. The next columns are the statistics explained in more detail below.
The first text column tells the name of the function, here
JetFinderEcalPlusHcalTowerInput::prepareInput(RecEvent const*)
, followed by
the name of the module where it was found, here writeDST
. The callers and
callees give the index of the function after the module name, such as the
and [732]
in the first two callees here, to help in navigating in the
For the primary function line the first statistic is the sum of the memory
leaked by the function and all its callees, here 50642044
. The second
statistic is the amount of memory leaked directly by the function itself, here
. So in this case we can already see that most of the memory was
leaked by the function itself. The third statistic is the number of unique call
paths that resulted in a leak, here 5
. Note that this is not the number of
calls that resulted in a leak, but the number of unique call paths: there were
five different calls stacks with this function in the stack. There could have
been thousands of such calls. (FIXME: allocations or leaks, can’t be leaks if
child entries are zero?)
For the secondary functions the statistics are slightly different. The first statistic is the total amount of memory the function leaked in any call path. The second statistic is the amount leaked when the primary function was also in the call stack. For callers this is the amount of memory the caller leaked through the primary function. For callees it is the amount the primary function leaked through that callee. So the second number is always less than the first one. The third number pair is first the number of calls paths including the primary function, and then total number of calls to the function.
In our example output, PersistentJetFinder::reconstruct()
leaked a total of
53553180 bytes, of which most, i.e. 50642044 bytes, was due to our example main
function. All the memory leaked by the children of our example main function
went through RecQuery::operator RecConfig const&() const
, a total of 416000
bytes (= 50642044 - 50226044). However, that function leaked a total of
62299760 in 547 different call paths; five of those call paths were due to this
primary function.
For another example below, TStreamerInfo::Compile()
leaked 514848 bytes, of
which 513248 directly. This was from 228 different call paths. Of those, 2912
bytes were result of 81 call paths from TStreamerInfo::Build()
(of 228 call
paths resulting in 515316 bytes of leaks in the latter). 1640 bytes were leaked
for calls from TStreamInfo::BuildOld()
in 8 call paths. 510296 bytes, the
majority, was from calls to CINT::Type::patchStreamers()
. Majority of the
memory was leaked directly. However TObjArray::AddAtAndExpand()
leaked 1600
bytes in two call paths (out of four call paths and 3200 bytes leaked in total
to that function). Memory was allocated but not leaked via
; there were 162 call paths to the latter but
they all came from this function.
IgProf always reports complete call stacks. This means very rich analysis of the profile data is possible, in particular if filters are applied, the results remain accurate. Only the very last stage of generating reports collapses all callers and callees together. In contrast, callgrind for example collapses the call tree data already at collection time, limiting many later analyses of that profile data.